Slideshow not working

17 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 5, 2012   (RSS)

Thanks, Damon. Will do.
Nigel Gordijk

Common Sense Design: User-focused Web design
Tel: 001 519 342 5348 | Web:

Re: [NigelGordijk] Slideshow not working

By Damon - June 1, 2012

Thanks for sending in the site details. The slideshow is now fixed:

It was a small typo in the code that was the issue. Changed $homepage_slideshowRecords['slides']
without the "s" and it now works.

Here is the full code.
<?php foreach ($homepage_slideshowRecord['slides'] as $index => $upload): ?>
["<?php echo $upload['urlPath'] ?>", "", "", ""],
<?php endforeach ?>

Any other questions or issues, please let me know.

Damon Edis -

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.
Perfect! Thanks so much for fixing this. Much appreciated.
Nigel Gordijk

Common Sense Design: User-focused Web design
Tel: 001 519 342 5348 | Web:
The slideshow is working perfectly, so thanks again.

Is there a way of positioning all the images so they align with the base of the table cell? Some of the photos are vertical, but most have the important details in the bottom half.

Better yet, is there a way of choosing the vertical alignment for each individual photo, perhaps by positioning the pictures manually (dragging them)? If not, by choosing top, middle or bottom of the image to be displayed?
Nigel Gordijk

Common Sense Design: User-focused Web design
Tel: 001 519 342 5348 | Web:

Re: [NigelGordijk] Slideshow not working

By Jason - June 4, 2012


It looks like the actual creation of <img> tags is a function of your slideshow script. Since this is where any positioning information would have to be put, your best bet would be the documentation of that script.

Let us know if you have any questions.

Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

Re: [Jason] Slideshow not working

Hi, Jason.

Thanks for the reply. Please can you tell me to which line of the script I should be adding the instruction valign="center", or whatever it should be?

Nigel Gordijk

Common Sense Design: User-focused Web design
Tel: 001 519 342 5348 | Web: