Get options from database limit??

7 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 16, 2012   (RSS)

By mbareara - June 13, 2012

i have this problem

field name: idcomuni
type field: list
field options: get option from database

It doesn.'t work correctly because it shows only first 1000 item from database.

How can i solve this?

Thank you in advance for your help :-)


Re: [Jason] Get options from database limit??

By mbareara - June 14, 2012

Hi Orazio,

By default, CMS Builder imposes a limit of 1000 records on drop down lists. If you need to override this, here is some information on how to do that:

Lists of this length will probably be pretty hard to work with for users. Is there a reason why it needs to be a drop down list? There may be other options for this field that would not require you to customize the code.

Hope this helps

Thank you for you reply Jason

I have 3 tables.
1) REgion (20 items)
2) Province (100 items)
3) Cities (8000 item...)

I would recall cities num in the 4t table called Events... How can i make this without a list?

Thank you

Re: [orazio] Get options from database limit??

By Jason - June 14, 2012

Hi Orazio,

Okay, I see where you're going. A good option here would be to use the "Advanced Filter" option on your Province and Cities drop downs. What this does is populate a list with values, based on the selection in another field. This will only work if your province section stores which region it's in, and if your cities section stores which province it's in.

If it does, you can set up your fields so that when you select a region, your province field populates with provinces only in that region, and when you select a province, the cities list will populate with cities only in that province. This will help shorten your lists considerably and make it easier to work with.

For some more information on how to get started with this, see this post:

Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Re: [Jason] Get options from database limit??

By mbareara - June 14, 2012

of course it works [cool]

Thank you jason :-)

Re: [Jason] Get options from database limit??

By mbareara - July 16, 2012

If it does, you can set up your fields so that when you select a region, your province field populates with provinces only in that region, and when you select a province, the cities list will populate with cities only in that province. This will help shorten your lists considerably and make it easier to work with.

Is it possibile to have the same in the search engine?

Re: [orazio] Get options from database limit??

By Jason - July 16, 2012


You can use a similar technique when creating a search form. You will have to use jquery to update the region and city fields.

Hope this helps
Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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