Create related record

3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 27, 2012   (RSS)

By Toledoh - August 27, 2012

Hi Guys,

As part of 2.15, you can "- Fields: Related Records now support adding a "Create" button through the field editor"

On a real estate site, I have a listing for a specific property (1 Any St, Sometown). I also have a table for "Open Houses", where the first field is a look-up of Property Listings. It's quite a task to locate the specific property listing via a drop down when there are hundreds of property listings, especially where the alpha-numeric drop-down shows 1/23 Other St, before 1 Any St... know what I mean?

I can now go to the property listing and "Create" a related record - however I still have to manually select the Property from the drop-drop down, even though I've just come from that property listing.

Can I have the "create" automatically select the listing record I created from?

Tim (

Re: [Toledoh] Create related record

By Jason - August 27, 2012

Hi Tim,

Currently, that selection won't happen automatically. However, we can do that using a custom plugin. If you're interested in this, please send an email to

Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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