Wish List Item: Backend Styling

4 posts by 4 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 24, 2012   (RSS)

By InHouse - November 9, 2012

Not wishing to clutter the 'upcoming features' post, I'll start a new thread:

I'm finding more and more often that I'd like better styling control over the backend. Here is an easy idea that would be welcome from my POV:

- classes assigned to field groups and individual fields:
Example for a textfield with pre- and post-text elements. This styling would let us control some aspects of a single field or a whole field-group. This could easily be connected to style class for a 'requied' field also.

<tr class="field_group field_aside [required]"> <!-- name of field group -->
<td class="field_label">Aside</td><!-- allows selection of all titles -->
<td class="field_content">
<span class="prefix">Optional:</span><!-- the prefix field -->

<textarea class="field" aria-hidden="true" name="aside" id="field_aside" rows="5" cols="40" </textarea>

<span class="field_desc">Used to highlight or feature items from this article such as pull quotes, adding supporting documents, or making extra comments.</span>

This would let us easily create a backend style sheet which would allow us to apply styles to:
- whole field groups/table row (borders, colours, font style, margins, etc.),
- a single field group based on the name (highlight the required field's table row),
- all labels, prefixes or descriptions (make all prefixes dark, all descrptions indented, italics and monospaced),
- a single field (.field_aside .field_desc {color: red;}
- a required field (if a required token is set in the field schema) .required {background: yellow, url('alert_icon.gif') no-repeat;}

If you like this idea, I could mock up a list view version as well. It would probably follow similar rules but may need row and column indexing.

My $0.02... again. ;-)


Re: [Dave] Wish List Item: Backend Styling

Hi Dave,

Glad to see that this topic is under discussion again.

One of the things that’s been on my wish list for quite a while, is to be able to place fields next to each other horizontally when creating an editor, instead of just vertically.

That way sets of fields like address blocks (Last Name, Middle Initial, First Name, City, State, Zip), beginning and ending dates and times, and other similar sets could be made a lot more logical, compact and “user friendly”.

I’ve also wanted to be able to customize the way the ListPage Fields are displayed on a record list. There are times when the spacing of the displayed field labels would benefit from being more consistent, making their layout a bit more readable (and professional looking).

Just another 2 cents worth.


Jerry Kornbluth
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Re: [gkornbluth] Wish List Item: Backend Styling

By nmsinc - November 24, 2012

[font "Times New Roman"]I have always felt that the best idea would be to code a form builder into each section that would build a form based on the current section editor that could then be customized to the client’s template leaving the backend administration for the use of building the sections.[/#000000]

[font "Times New Roman"] [/#000000]

[font "Times New Roman"]This keeps the client out of the CMS builder and allows the administrator to set his/her own access to these forms based on user preferences set by the CMS administartor.[/#000000]

[font "Times New Roman"] [/#000000]

[font "Times New Roman"]Just an idea![/#000000]