Send PDF Brochure

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 7, 2013   (RSS)

By Toledoh - January 6, 2013

Hi Guys,

I've got a product brochure with a "send to friend" type function: ie:

The process seems to work, but no email is coming through.  I've checked with the hosting support and they are saying that no email is being created.

Can you have a look?


Tim (

Hi Tim,

I've had a look at the code on products_007.php but can't see any problems. Which version of CMS Builder are you using? If your using version 2.17 or higher would it be possible to go your CMS Builder general settings and changing outgoing mail to either send and log or log. Then could you check if a message is appearing in the outgoing mail section when you send the e-mail? Then I'll know if CMS Builder is getting as far as trying to send the message or not.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

By Toledoh - January 7, 2013

Hi Greg.

I built the site at, then moved it over to the root.  The send-to-friend emails at still work...

The changes made to that and the current are really only the directory structure and the filtering (ie. num=104&type=7)... does that help narrow down the issue?




Tim (