Notice: CMSB v2.51 Beta 1 (Jan 28)

6 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 30, 2013   (RSS)

By Dave - January 28, 2013

Hi everyone, 

We've just released v2.51 beta 1 (beta list members will get an email with a download link shortly). 

The major new feature are:

  • Configurable Login Timeouts - This controls how long users stay "logged in" for.  You can now set the login timeout under Admin > General to anything from 5 minutes to 5 years (or more).   We've set our website to 3 months, so if you leave yourself logged in and come back 2.5 months later, you won't have to login again.
  • CMS Restricted IP List - For added security, you can now specify a list of IP addresses that can access the CMS.  All others will be denied.  If you make a mistake you can manually update the list in the settings data file: /data/settings.ini.php.  And note that this doesn't affect the website (we're using this feature now) only the CMS Admin.
  • TinyMCE Security Patch - Tinymce announced there was a security patch with the spellcheck component of the wysiwyg editor and we've updated their code to the latest release
  • Programmers - Lots of enhancements for programmers and plugin authors.  New function emailTemplate_addToDB() for adding custom "email templates" to the CMS (to be used by plugins), new function htmlPurify() filters and cleans untrusted HTML so you can accept HTML from users without worrying about malicious content (we use this in the forum), and Background Tasks (Cron jobs) now send you email alerts when a task fails, display all the registered background tasks, and have a more details status dashboard.  

If you're not already on the beta tester email list and you'd like to help beta test (you must own at least 1 CMSB license) please email to be added to the list.

Please post any feedback, questions, or bugs you find! Thanks! 

Thanks! :) 

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Dave - January 28, 2013

And we've released some minor updates for these plugins as well: Website Membership, Facebook Login, Twitter Login

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Djulia - January 29, 2013

Hi Dave,

Is it possible to add the sentence for the inactivity in the file of translation?



By Djulia - January 30, 2013

Hi Dave,

Thanks! In fact, the translation was to be made in the /languages/ folder not in the /adminMenu/languages/ folder.

I am lost always a little sometimes with the two files.

Thanks again!


By Dave - January 30, 2013


>I am lost always a little sometimes with the two files.

Yea, me too.  Maybe in a future version we'll move the translation system into the CMS so you don't have to edit files at all.  

Dave Edis - Senior Developer