Permalink Disappointment

Hello, All -

At first glance I thought the new Permalink plugin was the answer to my prayers. I bought it almost immediately.

On closer inspection, however, it does not seem able to handle complex query strings, eg:

This is a big disappointment - especially given that CMSB lends itself to the use of such big strings.



By Dave - February 28, 2013

Hi Perch,

We almost always release a few minor upgrades after a 1.00 plugin release to address user requests and real-world server environments.  So 1.00 users often get extra support and customization, and hopefully we'll be able to do that for you as well.

We've already got query-string support on the list of things to revisit for manual permalinks.  Ideally we want everything to be as automatic as possible, though.

In your example, is record 4 always associated with category 2?  Or is the navigation of your site such that there are multiple views possible for the details of record 4?  And if record 4 is always associated with category 2, is it possible to load 4's category if it's not defined?  Put another way, is it possible to programmatically determine what the url for a record would be?

If you can make a a short list of what is working well, what you like, and what isn't working well, what you don't like, and what you wish it did, I can start thinking about some updates or suggestions.  

Hope that helps, 

PS:  We're moving our office today, so might be offline for a short bit while our internet and phones get transferred.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Perchpole - March 3, 2013

Hi, Dave -

Hope the move is going well!

In response to your questions to my example (above), record 4 would always be associated with category 2. However, it would not be possible to load the category without the query string. This is important because the category determines the template (and other elements) used for  the record page.

