Download Mail - cron.php, run.php or both?

By Perchpole - March 17, 2013

Hello, All -

I recently had cause to start using the Download Mail plugin on one of my sites. Everything is set-up and works manually. All I need to do now is automate things.

I understand I have to set-up a cron job to download the mail - but I'm not sure which file to run.

  1. The plugin itself comes with its own run.php file.
  2. The latest versions of CMSB include a file called cron.php.

Cron.php does not include any of the code from run.php - so does that mean I should ignore it?

Do I just need run.php?

Or should I (somehow) paste the code from run.php into cron.php and run that?

Please advise.



By gregThomas - March 19, 2013 - edited: March 19, 2013

Hi Perchpole,

As this is an older plugin it's not currently configured to use the new cron system. So you'll just need to set up a cron job for the run.php file, and not for cron.php, although there shouldn't be any issues if you want to run both. 

Let me know if you have any questions.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

By Perchpole - March 19, 2013

Hi, Greg -

Thanks. I got it running eventually. I think it's a very undervalued plugin and I will lobbying for some updates!

