Section Editor sort by list label

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: April 22, 2013   (RSS)

By Dave - April 19, 2013

Hi kitsguru, 

Unfortunately there's no way to change that currently.  The issue is that the way the codebase has evolved there's no support for automatic joins in the backend yet so those labels are being looked up after the mysql query has been completed.  It is something we want to add, but it's going to take some major rewriting.

We could write you a plugin to hide the sort link for that fieldname if you like (The plugin filter name is: listHeader_displayLabel) so at least it wasn't confusing.  

Sorry about that, let me know if there's anything else I can do to assist.  Thanks!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By kitsguru - April 19, 2013

Hi Dave,

Isnt the list sorted using javascript when you click on the column heading? Since you already have the value and label, it should be an easy patch.

Jeff Shields

By Dave - April 22, 2013

Hi kitsguru,

We could do that if there was so few records that they all appeared on one page, but for cases where there are many pages the entire resultset needs to be sorted.  Since that could be many thousands of records it needs to be done in MySQL.

There's no simple or elegant workaround for that one, unfortunately, but one "hack" that's possible is having a plugin that updates another text field with the label so that can be displayed and sorted.

Sorry I can't be of more help with that one.  

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By kitsguru - April 22, 2013

Probably best if I just use the 'title' field in the list and by pass the join altogether. No,point in cloning the title, just use it directly in the list.

Jeff Shields