jquery autocomplete help

9 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 8, 2013   (RSS)

By nmsinc - April 20, 2013

I need help with jquery script below. The funtion lists both 'account_id' and "title" which is required by the user. When the file is saved, how can I grab and save only the 'account_id' field of the users choice?

Thanks - nmsinc

<label for="payroll_accounting_group_ot_1">Accounting Group For Regular Hours Only: </label>
<input id="payroll_accounting_group_ot_1">
<script>$( "#payroll_accounting_group_ot_1" ).autocomplete({  source: [
            <?php foreach (mysql_select("payroll_accounts", "assign_to_this_member ORDER BY account_id") as $Groups): ?>
            <?php if ($CURRENT_USER['member_company_accounts'] == $Groups['assign_to_this_member']): ?>
            "<?php echo $Groups['account_id'];?> - <?php echo $Groups['title'];?>",
   <?php endif; ?>
   <?php endforeach ?>



I think you need to add a name to your input for #payroll_accounting_group_ot_1. This way you can retrieve its value when the form is submitted:

<label for="payroll_accounting_group_ot_1">Accounting Group For Regular Hours Only: </label>
<input name="searchResult" id="payroll_accounting_group_ot_1">
  $( "#payroll_accounting_group_ot_1" ).autocomplete({  source: [
    <?php foreach (mysql_select("payroll_accounts", "assign_to_this_member ORDER BY account_id") as $Groups): ?>
      <?php if ($CURRENT_USER['member_company_accounts'] == $Groups['assign_to_this_member']): ?>
        "<?php echo $Groups['account_id'];?> - <?php echo $Groups['title'];?>",
      <?php endif; ?>
    <?php endforeach ?>

Then once the form is submitted you can use the explode function to retrieve the account ID, and then save it to a record using the CMSB mysql_insert function:


  $tempArray = explode('-', $_REQUEST['searchResult']);
  $value = trim($tempArray[0]);
  $recordNum = mysql_insert('section_name', array('title' => $value, true);


So the explode function will turn the searchResult value into an array using - as a separator. Then the trim function is used to remove any white space from the first value of the array, which should be the account_id value. 

Finally I've used the mysql_insert function to save the result, the first value should be the section that you want the result saving to, the second should be an array of values you want inserting with the key used for field names. 



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer - interactivetools.com

By nmsinc - April 23, 2013

Hi Greg,

Thank you for your idea - How would I fit the explode function into my current insert section below?

Thanks for your help on this - NMSINC

      if ($_REQUEST['hours_1'] || $_REQUEST['ot_hours_1']) {
      mysql_query("INSERT INTO `{$TABLE_PREFIX}paysheet_hours` SET
                      createdDate                                 = NOW(),
                      updatedDate                                = NOW(),
                      createdByUserNum                    = '".mysql_escape( $CURRENT_USER['num'] )."',
                      updatedByUserNum                   = '0',
                      date_hours_worked                   = '".mysql_escape( $_REQUEST['date_hours_worked_1'] )."',
                      assinged_to_which_group       = '".mysql_escape( $_REQUEST['assinged_to_which_group_1'] )."',
                      employee_name                         = '".mysql_escape( $CURRENT_USER['employee_number'] )."',
                      hours_worked                              = '".mysql_escape( $_REQUEST['hours_1'] )."',
                      overtime_hours_worked            = '".mysql_escape( $_REQUEST['ot_hours_1'] )."',
                      payroll_accounting_group        = '".mysql_escape( $_REQUEST['payroll_accounting_group_1'] )."',
                      assign_contract_group_id        = '".mysql_escape( $_REQUEST['assign_contract_group_id_1'] )."',
                      payroll_accounting_group_ot   = '".mysql_escape( $_REQUEST['payroll_accounting_group_ot_1'] )."',
                      assign_contract_group_id_ot  = '".mysql_escape( $_REQUEST['assign_contract_group_id_ot_1'] )."',
                      overtime_details                         = '".mysql_escape( $_REQUEST['overtime_details_1'] )."'")
      or die("MySQL Error Creating Record:<br/>\n". htmlspecialchars(mysql_error()) . "\n");
      $userNum = mysql_insert_id();


By nmsinc - April 23, 2013

I have multiple insert arrays - to manage the value of each I assume that I must code changes to $value array such as $value_1, $value_2 and so on - Correct?




If your inserting the same value into the array each time you don't have to change the name of the variable. If the data changes for each insert array you could just overwrite the $value variables data each time and put it into each insert array.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer - interactivetools.com

By nmsinc - July 6, 2013

Just now getting to this - I receive a "Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '=>' (T_DOUBLE_ARROW)" when I attempt to run this code on the list/post array.

Any suggestions?

Thanks -p NMSINC


By gregThomas - July 8, 2013


I think the issue is most likely  because $valueArray hasn't been declared as an array, it should be changed to this:

$valueArray = array(
    'createdByUserNum'   => $CURRENT_USER['num'],



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer - interactivetools.com

By nmsinc - July 8, 2013

Thanks Greg!
