Permalinks code generator throws a 406 error

8 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder: Plugins & Add-ons
Last Post: May 22, 2013   (RSS)

By benedict - May 14, 2013

Hi guys,

I'm trying to install the permalinksplugin for the first time, but when I go to the Code generator for Permalinks, and click ".htaccess code for redirecting requests", I get a 406 error:

Not Acceptable

An appropriate representation of the requested resource /cmsAdmin/admin.php could not be found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

The link it is trying to reach is:

Any ideas?

By Codee - May 15, 2013 - edited: May 15, 2013

Hard to say, but apparently you've activated the plugin because you can get to the code generator for it. Are you using it on the minimally correct version of CMSBuilder 2.53?  Technically, 406 error is fairly rare, from what I understand it's saying that the server is sending data to the web browser in question, and the web browser does not like it.. If you're using a fresh install of CMSB2.53 and the permalinks plugin, then maybe this is a mod_security issue with your hosts server?  What browser are you using and have you tested it through any other browser or on any other machine? That might narrow down whether the conflict is browser/machine related or global issue and if it is, then maybe disabling mod_security for that domain might be an option? Just a few thoughts.

By benedict - May 15, 2013

Yes all upgraded to 2.53. Tried Firefox and Chrome, same result. Disabled mod_security - same result. Really want to get this baby working.

By Codee - May 15, 2013

At this point I would think you need some direct help from the Interactive Tools staff.

By Dave - May 16, 2013

Hi Benedict, 

It's most likely an overly sensitive security plugin or module your host has installed.  

A google search for "An appropriate representation of the requested resource" shows users of modx, wordpress, vbulletin, and drupal getting that error from mod_security.

We actually already try to disable mod_security in the /cmsAdmin/.htaccess file with this: 

<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

But only some server use those .htaccess files.

If you ask your host to disable mod_security for the /cmsAdmin/ folder or the whole site you'll be fine.  

Let me know any questions, thanks!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By benedict - May 20, 2013

Good News - I migrated server and it all works. Great!

Bad News - Everything set up, uploaded .htacccess file, tested it on a non-working url, and it is working fine. I created a 'permalink' field and did my first test on in my "Footer Links section whose original url would have been footer-links.php?test-4. It did redirect, but to the fourth record in a completely different section ("Design Guidelines"). I did another test straight away on footer-links.php?jabba-5 permalinked to Same issue - it went to the 5th record in a different section.

I checked the head code in both sections and updated it as I had done the upgrade to 2.53, and also checked the fields in the body - all function fine without the permalink , still no luck when it is added. Any ideas?

By Dave - May 22, 2013

Hi Benedict, 

You can email in CMS/FTP details ( or submit a ticket and I can take a look.  But basically Permalinks works for standard detail pages created with the code generator, so if you've got multiple viewer code blocks at the top the code might be getting confused.  

How it works is when a user clicks on a permalink it looks it up in the permalink database, figures out which section that permalink is from, gets the "Detail Viewer Url" from the Section Editors menu and fakes a request like this: your-section-detail-viewer.php?num=### where the number is the record number that is associated with the permalink.

From simple viewer list and detail pages it should just work seamlessly and automatically.  But if not feel free to forward me some info and I can check it out.

Hope that helps!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer