Bulk migration issues

2 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 4, 2013   (RSS)

By gregThomas - June 4, 2013

Hi Tim,

1) You shouldn't have any issues with crashes/things not working, but its still advisable to change the program URL and licence domain to match the new IP address. I've just done some quick testing, and your clients will still be able to access CMSB and edit records/upload items/change settings as normal.

2) Changes will be applied correctly as long as the domain name is pointing at the new server. If the sites domains are using name servers you shouldn't have any problems as the hosting company will change everything for you, but if they are pointing directly to the old servers IP address you'll have to make sure they get updated to point at the new server. 

3) The only other thing I would be wary off with the server move is that the website root directory is set correctly. If they've moved servers the directory sites are stored in might have changed. You can check if the directory is different by creating this test php file with the following command in the base of the site:

<?php echo dirname(__FILE__); ?> 

This will return the directory that website is stored in.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer - interactivetools.com