Group by category

7 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 21, 2013   (RSS)

By Toledoh - June 19, 2013

Hi Guys,

Can anyone see why I'm getting a a bunch of errors "Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/toledoh1/public_html/_dashboard.php on line 40"  here?

// load records from 'categories'
list($categoriesRecords, $categoriesMetaData) = getRecords(array(
'tableName' => 'categories',
'loadUploads' => false,
'allowSearch' => false,

// load records from 'links'
list($linksRecords, $linksMetaData) = getRecords(array(
'tableName'   => 'links',
'loadUploads' => true,
'allowSearch' => false,

$categories = mysql_select ('categories');
//make the array key the 'num' field
$categoriesSorted = array_groupBy($categories,'num');


<?php foreach ($categoriesRecords as $category): ?>
<?php echo htmlencode($category['title']) ?>
<ul><?php foreach ($linksRecords as $record): ?>
<?php if(in_array($category['num'], $record['category'])): ?>
<a href="<?php echo $record['_link'] ?>"><?php echo htmlencode($record['title']) ?></a>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach ?>


Tim (

By gregThomas - June 20, 2013

Hi Tim,

I think the problem is that $record['category'] isn't an array. I think you need to check the category:values array instead:

 <?php if(in_array($category['num'], $record['category:values'])): ?>
  <li><a href="<?php echo $record['_link'] ?>"><?php echo htmlencode($record['title']) ?></a></li>
<?php endif ?>

This is assuming that the categories array is a multi value list.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

By Toledoh - June 20, 2013

Mmm.  Now I'm getting "Notice: Undefined index: category:values in /home/toledoh1/public_html/_dashboard.php on line 40 Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/toledoh1/public_html/_dashboard.php on line 40"


Tim (

_dashboard.php 2K

By Toledoh - June 20, 2013

Array ( [_filename] => Indie-Server [_link] => javascript:alert('Set Detail Page Url for this section in: Admin > Section Editors > Viewer Urls') [_tableName] => links [category] => 1 [category:label] => Server [content] => [createdByUserNum] => 1 [createdDate] => 2013-06-15 08:07:42 [num] => 1 [title] => Indie Server [updatedByUserNum] => 1 [updatedDate] => 2013-06-20 08:54:59 [url] => [createdBy.num] => 1 [createdBy.createdDate] => 2013-02-24 23:28:28 [createdBy.createdByUserNum] => 0 [createdBy.updatedDate] => 2013-02-24 23:28:28 [createdBy.updatedByUserNum] => 0 [createdBy.fullname] => Tim Forrest [] => [createdBy.username] => toledoh [createdBy.lastLoginDate] => 2013-06-21 09:52:39 [createdBy.expiresDate] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [createdBy.neverExpires] => 1 [createdBy.isAdmin] => 1 [createdBy.disabled] => 0 [createdBy.accessList] => [createdBy._filename] => [createdBy._link] => javascript:alert('Set Detail Page Url for this section in: Admin > Section Editors > Viewer Urls') )


Tim (

By gregThomas - June 21, 2013

Hi Tim,

The issue is that the category field looks to be single selection list as opposed to a multi selection list, so an array of selected items is not created by the getRecords function. I think you need to modify your code so that it just checks if the selected category items matches the records category num:


  // load records from 'categories'
  list($categoriesRecords, $categoriesMetaData) = getRecords(array(
  'tableName' => 'categories',
  'loadUploads' => false,
  'allowSearch' => false,

  // load records from 'links'
  list($linksRecords, $linksMetaData) = getRecords(array(
  'tableName'   => 'links',
  'loadUploads' => true,
  'allowSearch' => false,

  $categories = mysql_select ('categories');
  //make the array key the 'num' field
  $categoriesSorted = array_groupBy($categories,'num');


<?php foreach ($categoriesRecords as $category): ?>
<?php echo htmlencode($category['title']) ?>
<ul><?php foreach ($linksRecords as $record): ?>
<?php if($category['num'] == $record['category']): ?>
<a href="<?php echo $record['_link'] ?>"><?php echo htmlencode($record['title']) ?></a>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

So if the category num matches the selection in the category field in the list section, the link will be displayed.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

By Toledoh - June 21, 2013

Arrhhh.  I was sure it was multi-select.  Sorry for wasting your time Greg!  and thanks.


Tim (