Custom Preview Page - Need Way to Show Hidden and Date-unpubished Articles

5 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 31, 2013   (RSS)

Hi there,

Still fighting with the on-board preivew function and am about to declare defeat at it's hands. :) Have opted to build a custom preview page for one particular muti-record table on a project. However, to do this, I need to override the hidden value and the publishStart & publishEnd dates. Can anyone offer a quick way to approach this?

Many thanks,


By gkornbluth - July 30, 2013

Hi J,

You may be able to use this approach in the load records call for the hidden check boxl.

 'where'    => " hidden = '0' ",
    'orWhere'    => " hidden = '1' ",

Have to think on the publish issue

Hope that helps,


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Thanks Jerry! That does help out and we can create a partial workaround with it. If you do have a brainwave about the publishDate override, I'd appreciate knowing it.I'm sure I'm missing something regarding the Preview function, but I really can never get it to work on my projects. It should be able to provide the function we need here, but...Cheers,


DING! We have a winner!

Thanks Greg. That's invaluable info for our needs.

