Permalinks - Automatic Creation Problems

Hi Perch,

If you do a showme function on a request array on a detail page with a permalinks field in its section, you'll see that the num value for the record gets added to the request array automatically when it has a permalinks entry:


and if my URL is:

the showme on the request array outputs:

    [page] => 3
    [p] => 3
    [num] => 7

So the table name is not included in the URL, but you'll not be able to pass in a new num value, for example:

still returns:

    [page] => 3
    [p] => 3
    [num] => 7

If your using a getRecords function the correct record should be returned automatically if your using whereRecordNumberInUrl:

  // load record from 'blog'
  list($blogRecords, $blogMetaData) = getRecords(array(
    'tableName'   => 'blog',
    'where'       => whereRecordNumberInUrl(0),
    'loadUploads' => true,
    'allowSearch' => false,
    'limit'       => '1',

Are your page/p values being overwritten? Which version of the plugin are you using?



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

By Perchpole - August 8, 2013

Hi, Greg -

Thanks for your advice. The problem in my case is that I do not use whereRecordNumberInUrl in the getRecords call. I always found it unreliable/inflexible so started using a request variable:

$pageNum = @intval($_REQUEST['p']);

and then add this to the getRecords call:

'where'  => " num = $pageNum "

Presumably this is why my the automatic Permalink isn't loading all of the page code properly.



By Perchpole - August 8, 2013

Greg -

I've made a few amendments to my code - which is now working better.

$pageNum = @intval($_REQUEST['p']);
$pageNum = @intval($_REQUEST['num']);

It's clunky but it seems to work. Is there a better way?



Hi Perch,

I was going to suggest something very similar:

  $pageNum = intval(coalesce(@$_REQUEST['p'],@$_REQUEST['num'],'2'));

So the above system works pretty much the same as the code in your previous post. The coalesce function will return the first value that is added to it that is either true or has a value. So if neither p or num exist in the request array 2 would be returned. If both p and num exsist in the request array, the value for p would be returned.

Let me know if you have any questions.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -