How to enable auto filling in Listing Editor ?

16 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 21, 2013   (RSS)

By Tom - August 10, 2013

I have a lot of data needed to be filled in the field in listing editor and all the data are quite similar.

If enable auto filling in the text field will save me a lot of time.

Please advice.



This should be fairly straight forward to set up. If you log into CMS Builder, then go to the Section Editors section, then click the modify link on your listings section. This will bring you to a list of all of the fields in the listings section. If you click modify on field you want to add a default value to, a dialog box will open. From here you can add a default value that will appear when a new record is created. I've included a screen shot that shows which field you need enter your default value into. 

Let me know if you have any questions.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

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By Tom - August 16, 2013 - edited: August 16, 2013


Thanks for your quick response and sorry for late reply.

This is really useful.

However, I think you misunderstand what I mean due to my poor English.

Please refer to the attached jpg, then you should know what I mean.

Let's say, I have a field called Date Added in listing editor,

In the old Listing Manager, once I input 2013/08, the all the previous input started with 2013/08 shown and I can just simply pick the one I need. 

However, in the CMSB, when I input the data in the Date Added Field, nothing shown.

Please advice.

Thanks a lot.


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By gkornbluth - August 16, 2013 - edited: August 16, 2013

Hi Tom,

I don't know of any easy way to filter records by date created or date modified, but here's one way to accomplish what I think you are asking.

In CMSB you can sort records lists by clicking on any column that is in the ListPage Fields, (admin > section editors > general tab)

So, if you add either updatedDate or createdDate to the ListPage Fields in your editor, you can sort your existing records by those dates and pick the record that you want to modify.

Hope that helps to answer your question.

You can find many more helpful hints and tricks in my CMSB Cookbook at


Jerry Kornbluth

The first CMS Builder reference book is now available on-line!

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By Tom - August 16, 2013 - edited: August 16, 2013

Hello Jerry,

Thanks for your reply.

I think you misunderstand what I mean as well.

I think what I want to ask is how to enable 'Auto-Fill Entries' in CMSB?

For example, in the search field in the top right corner of this page,

if you did search the term (auto filling) before,

and if you input (a) in the search field,

The term (auto filling) will come.


In the old product Listing Manager,

Let's say, if I did input (abc) in a field before,

and now if  I input a letter (a) in the field,

The word abc will come.

But nothing comes in the field in listing editor in CMSB.

That's what I mean.

Sorry for the poor english.



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Hi Tom,

Thanks for clarifying. The reason that forms don't autocomplete in CMS Builder is that we have set autocomplete to off in all the form tags:

<form method="post" action="?" onsubmit="tinyMCE.triggerSave();" autocomplete="off">

The reason we do this is you might be entering personal data into the CMS and you don't want your own/someone else's data being inserted by accident. Also the autofill on some browsers can be hit and miss, I've had my browser entering in a post code into a field called email before, although they are getting better.

If you wanted to enable this feature you just need to change the 7th line of admin_functions.js in in the cmsAdmin/lib directory:

  $('form').attr('autocomplete', 'on');

So this will make all forms inside of CMS Builder have autocomplete set to on in the form tag.

As this is a customization of CMS Builders core code we can't support any issues created by this change.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

By Tom - August 16, 2013

Hello Greg,

Thanks for you quick response.

However, whatever I delete the whole line or change the off to on,

it still not work.

Please refer to the attach jpg.


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By Tom - August 16, 2013

Hello Greg,

Sorry for trouble, it works in Firefox and IE but not in chrome.

I think I have to give up chrome.

Thanks a lot and have a nice weekend.

By Tom - August 19, 2013

Hello Greg,

I did press ctrl+F5 many many times and even use another PC that never access my CMSB,

however, auto complete still not work in both listings editor and homepages editor in chrome.

Please advice, Thanks