Image uploads - different display for first image

9 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 24, 2013   (RSS)

Hi there,

I have an upload field which needs to be one upload field that allows multiple images (as each record will vary). I would then like the first image to be displayed larger with the next images, displaying smaller underneath as thumbnails. See link:

Catch - I would then like, if possible, these to all open in a lighbox!

Have I gone to far or is that possible? Many thanks as always!

Hi Jason,

Thanks! Will it be possible to have more than 5 images in total though as I know some will have 10-20! Even if the page only displayed the first image, 4 thumbnails and then the rest were available in the lightbox?


By Jason - September 19, 2013

Hi Hannah,

Yes, you can as many images as you need.  When setting up your upload field, you can set up to 4 thumbnails.  This means that up to 4 different thumbnails will be created for each image uploaded.  You shouldn't run into any issues with larger numbers of images.

Hope this helps

Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Hi Jason,

I'm getting an invalid foreach() however I do this - any ideas?


By Jason - September 20, 2013

Hi Hannah,

From that error message, it looks like your upload field is not called "images".  Try replacing the images index in your foreach loop with the name of your upload field.  That should take care of the error.

Hope this helps

Jason Sauchuk - Project Manager

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Hi Jason,

No the field is called images :(

By Damon - September 23, 2013

Hi Hannah,

Can you submit a Support Request so we can take a look at the code on that page and get it working for you.

Here is the Support Request link:


Damon Edis -

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By Damon - September 24, 2013

Just an update:  using the code from the Code Generator for the detail page fixed the issue:

 <?php foreach ($showsRecord['images'] as $index => $image): ?>

Any other questions or issues, just let us know.

Damon Edis -

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