Displaying Results

8 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 22, 2013   (RSS)


Website: www.seenstream.com

Right now, if you search for a zip code from the homepage, it will display records that have either a "platinum" or "gold" or "silver" listing on the top of the list with a star next to their listing and will link to their respected template...and everything that is not one of those is displayed below it. 

(basically... if the record has a checkbox checked in cmsAdmin, it will display on top of the list, clickable, with a star. everything else below it, not clickable, and no star)

How can I make it so everything is displayed in the list where it should be according to the distance that was searched. (i'm using the geotagger plugin) without having the starred ones on top, and the non-starred ones below.


Code is as follows on the 'list.php' page:

<?php header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); ?>
<?php require_once "cmsAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php"; ?>
<?php if (!@$GLOBALS['GEOCODER_PLUGIN']) { die("You must activate the Geocoder plugin before you can access this page."); } ?>

  $kmOrMiles = 'miles'; // can be 'miles' or 'km'

  // set default values
  if (!array_key_exists('fromAddress', $_REQUEST)) { $_REQUEST['fromAddress'] = '10001'; }      // this is the default address/postalcode if none entered
  if (!@$_REQUEST['maxDistance'])                  { $_REQUEST['maxDistance'] = '50000'; } // this will include all results

  // get coordinates
  list($myLat, $myLng) = geocodeAddress( @$_REQUEST['fromAddress'] );

  // error checking
  $errorsAndAlerts = '';
  if (@$_REQUEST['search']) {
    if     (!@$_REQUEST['fromAddress']) { $errorsAndAlerts .= "No address entered!<br/>\n"; }
    elseif (!$myLat || !$myLng)         { $errorsAndAlerts .= "We couldn't determine your location, please try again!<br/>\n"; }

  // get records
  $addressRecords = array();
  if ($myLat && $myLng) {
    $maxDist = floatval(@$_REQUEST['maxDistance']);
    list($trueAddressRecords, $trueAddressMetaData) = getRecords(array(
      'tableName'     => 'participating_bars',
      'addSelectExpr' => geocoder_getSelectExprForDistance($myLat, $myLng, '_distance', $kmOrMiles), // adds '_distance' field to output records
      'where'         => geocoder_getWhereForDistanceWithin($myLat, $myLng, $maxDist, $kmOrMiles),   // optimization: remove results outside of minimum bounding rectangle
      'having'        => "_distance <= " . $maxDist, // only show results within max distance
      'orderBy'       => 'ISNULL(_distance), _distance', // sort nearest records first -and- unknown or undefined distances last
      'where'         => "platinum  = '1' OR gold = '1' OR silver = '1'", 

// get records
  $addressRecords = array();
  if ($myLat && $myLng) {
    $maxDist = floatval(@$_REQUEST['maxDistance']);
    list($falseAddressRecords, $falseAddressMetaData) = getRecords(array(
      'tableName'     => 'participating_bars',
      'addSelectExpr' => geocoder_getSelectExprForDistance($myLat, $myLng, '_distance', $kmOrMiles), // adds '_distance' field to output records
      'where'         => geocoder_getWhereForDistanceWithin($myLat, $myLng, $maxDist, $kmOrMiles),   // optimization: remove results outside of minimum bounding rectangle
      'having'        => "_distance <= " . $maxDist, // only show results within max distance
      'orderBy'       => 'ISNULL(_distance), _distance', // sort nearest records first -and- unknown or undefined distances last
      'where'         => "platinum  = '0' AND gold = '0' AND silver = '0'",   
  'perPage'       => '5',


displaying results code:

<!-- participating --> 
<?php if (@$_REQUEST['search'] && !$errorsAndAlerts): ?>
<?php foreach ($trueAddressRecords as $record): ?>
<a href="http://www.seenstream.com/<?php if($record['platinum'] ==1): ?>
a.php?<?php echo $record['_link'] ?>
<?php elseif ($record['gold'] ==1): ?>
b.php?<?php echo $record['_link'] ?>
<?php elseif ($record['silver'] ==1): ?>
c.php?<?php echo $record['_link'] ?>
<?php endif ?>" />
<div class="listing-container"><?php foreach ($record['logo'] as $index => $upload): ?><img class="barlogo" src="<?php echo $upload['urlPath'] ?>" /><?php endforeach; ?> 
<div class="listing-container-heading"><h2><?php echo $record['title']; ?></h2></div> 
<p><?php echo $record['address']; ?><br /><?php echo $record['phone_number']; ?><br />(<?php echo floor($record['_distance'] * 10) / 10; ?> <?php echo $kmOrMiles ?> away)</p> 
<div class="star"></div></div> 
<?php endforeach ?> 
<?php endif ?>

<!-- not participating -->
<?php if (@$_REQUEST['search'] && !$errorsAndAlerts): ?>
<?php foreach ($falseAddressRecords as $record): ?>
<!--<?php echo htmlspecialchars($record['title']); ?>,-->
<div class="listing-container"><img class="barlogo" src="i/barlogo_seenstream.jpg" /><div class="listing-container-heading"><h2><?php echo $record['title']; ?></h2></div><p><?php echo $record['address']; ?><br /><?php echo $record['phone_number']; ?><br />(<?php echo floor($record['_distance'] * 10) / 10; ?> <?php echo $kmOrMiles ?> away)</p></div>
<?php endforeach ?>

<?php if (!$falseAddressRecords): ?>
No results found!
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif ?>

By ross - October 9, 2013

Hi Shawn

Thanks for posting!

My first though here is to just have two different record sets (using getRecords).  One will be just for the checkboxed listings and then one for there rest.  This way, you can have the distance search incorrporated as well as keeping the checkboxed items at the top and the rest below. 

Do you think that would work? 

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Hi Ross!

I think that is how i have it set up right now. But I actually need everything all mixed together. 

- Shawn


Im just wondering if anyone else had any thoughts on this. I've been looking at it more, and I am pretty stumped.

Hi Chris, 

Thanks for helping me out! I really appreciate it.

But with your bottom example, that would essentially group the starred items on top and the rest below? The 'Silver' , 'Gold' ,and 'Platinum' are basically just names for templates. 'Platinum' results would link to a.php(then the record link), 'Gold' results would link to b.php(then the record link), and Silver would link to c.php(then the record link).    But when someone types in their zip code on the homepage, the results should be in order by distance, not if they are a starred listing or not. That's where i think it would get hard, because some of the results should not be links and some should link to a.php(then the record link), some should link to b.php(then the record link), and some c.php(then the record link).

Your top one would be ideal, but how could i get certain ones to link to certain templates, and some not link anywhere?

Let me know if this makes sense or not, or if Im just explaining it weird lol.

Thanks again!

By ross - October 22, 2013

Hi shawnpatoka

Just to do an overly simplified re-cap of what you are looking for, you need your results to be ordered by distance and then have them load into different templates based on whether they are gold, silver or platinum.  

If that's the case, Chris has you on the right track with using just one getRecords and it sounds like you are on the same track with him at that stage.  So now that we have just one getRecords, to get the results loading into a different template based on their gold, silver or platinum status, you can use some simple ifs. What I am thinking is something like this:


foreach ($resultsRecords as Rrecord) {

... all your code goes here ...


if ($record['gold']) { echo "<a href='gold.php?". $record['num'] ."'>Read More</a>";
if ($record['silver']) { echo "<a href='silver.php?". $record['num'] ."'>Read More</a>";
if ($record['platinum']) { echo "<a href='platinum.php?". $record['num'] ."'>Read More</a>";


You'll of course need to make sure you have the appropriate variable in there for $resultsRecord.  Other than that, the if's are pretty straight forward. 

Does this make sense?  And if it does, do you feel like I am on the right track here?

Let me know any questions. Thanks!

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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Template changes, advanced features, full integration, whatever you
need. Whether you need one hour or fifty, get it done fast with
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I'm not on my regular computer to test it out, but that does look like it should work.

thank you guys very much! I really appreciate it.