Help, Urgent - re: Support #AXT-468562

3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: January 13, 2014   (RSS)

By TheSeen - January 13, 2014

Hi all ...

I have had the above support ticket in since the middle of last week and have been waiting to hear back from Damon with regards to the steps/guidelines to move Article Manager 2.16 and articles to a new server.

System is using files format, to my knowledge ... see support ticket email comms for screen grab of database page details.

I'm just facing a time issue now as my clients current hosting space closes in a couple of days so I am in a need to get this final part of the site moved over to their new hosting space and tested as a matter of urgency.

I have successfully moved over a number of the CMS Builder packages over for my client.

Apologies if you are having internet issues or the winter weather over there is causing issues. I guess something may be up over there as you are usually red-hot in getting back to me as per queries I have had in the past.

Hope to hear from you as soon as possible.

Kind regards

By TheSeen - January 13, 2014

Thanks Damon. 

Forgive the hustle, I was just getting a bit concerned of running out of time this end before the hosting expires on my clients old server. 

Thanks for the info. I will get the software etc moved over tomorrow. 

Kind regards
