Problem with PDF Creator...workaround given in the readme.txt is not the challenge apparently

By Codee - February 9, 2014 - edited: February 9, 2014

Dave and Team,

One of my clients, using CMSB2.17 w/PDF Creator plugin 1.03, was part of a recent server move (major upgrade) and I'm not positive if the problem occurred before the move, but it's definitely a problem now.  When a customer clicks on "create PDF of this page", which generates a PDF of the webpage on a plain vanilla wrapper, instead of getting the PDF page they get the error:

"Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file"

and, of course, the troubleshooting section for the PDF Plugin's readme.txt file states the following for this error:

"Error: Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
Fix: Run this command on the server as root: yum install fontconfig"

So I put in a trouble ticket to have this taken care of and the host company contacted me back stating:

"Thank you for contacting us. The server does have fontconfig already installed

fontconfig-2.8.0-3.el6.x86_64 : Font configuration and customization library
Repo : installed

I see its the latest version of fontconfig available. Can we request you to check again. Is there any update available for the cms installed? Please update if any, to check to see if it helps.

So, I have a site on the same hosting server running the latest CMSB beta 2.60 with PDF Creator 1.04, and when I run the "Test Server Requirements" I get the same error as my client's site.

How can we get this fixed?

Thanks in advance!

By Damon - February 10, 2014


Greg put together this list in another post:

Here are the all the libraries that Create PDF could possibly use:













The libraries are needed so that wkhtmltopdf ( a shell utility used by the createPDF plugin can convert fonts correctly on webpages. 

Can you send this list to your host and let us know what they reply with?


Damon Edis -

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By Codee - February 10, 2014

Thanks, Damon. Just sent it to the hosting company. I'll reply back with what they state.

By Damon - February 10, 2014

Great thanks!  Hopefully the details they provide will help us track down the issue.

Damon Edis -

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

By Codee - February 12, 2014

Hi Damon, I gave them your whole list, per your reply:

"Here are the all the libraries that Create PDF could possibly use:












The libraries are needed so that wkhtmltopdf ( a shell utility used by the createPDF plugin can convert fonts correctly on webpages.

and they responded with:

"The components all look to be installed. Can you please provide instructions on how we can replicate the issue and we can review it from our end."

So, I set up a test account for them and put in a test golf lesson and gave them login instructions so they can login, see the lesson, click "view as PDF" and then get the error.  We'll see what they ask/do next.

By Damon - February 12, 2014

Ok thanks. Let me know what the host replies with.

Damon Edis -

Hire me! Save time by getting our experts to help with your project.

By Codee - February 13, 2014

Hi Damon,

Interesting reply, see below. Apparently it didn't work until the host logged in as root.  So he's connecting with the PHP vendors that supply the host company and will let me know what's to be done, or needs to be done.


"I am checking this at present, seem to be a bit tricky ... I will update you shortly.

It worked when I tried to run the command as root."
and then,


"Posted 12 Feb 2014 09:34 AM Hello,

It looks like the issue is with the chrooted environment. I am going to check this with the PHP vendors and seems they need to amend the code to get this working...

Best regards,"


By Codee - February 18, 2014

Hi Dave,

Here's what the hosting company wrote:

"Unfortunately, we won't be able to provide to provide a solution in the new server as it would require an installation of different libraries in the server. We can't simply install everything that customers requires, we try to keep an standard configuration.

As an alternative, you can use the following API tool: The free account lets you create up to 100 pdfs per month.

Otherwise, what we can offer you is a Cloud/Dedicated Server in which we can configure the server to all your customers needs.

Let us know how would you like to proceed."

So, I don't want to go the path of a dedicated server.  Am I reading your post correctly, in that I can copy the files into a directory at /cmsAdmin/plugins/createPDF/shared_libs/ and this would work instead?

By Dave - February 18, 2014

Hi Terry,

Yea, we might be able to.  Do you have SSH access to the server?  If you email me at with FTP/CMS login details I can take a look.  Note: Email, don't post passwords to the forum.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer