Gecoder - Open map infowindow from external link

By aev - February 14, 2014


we just bought the Gecoder addon and so far it is working great for gecoding and getting a map with multiple tags up and running, but we would like to add a feature not provided by the included example page.

We want to make the addresses we output to our page from a Multi Record CMSB section have a link or onclick event to open the corresponding "infowindow" on the Google map. Has anyone done this? Code or tips are greatly appreciated :)


By ross - February 18, 2014

Hi aev

Thanks for posting!  I just want to confirm that what you are looking for is the same thing in this example:

That map has one point on it and when you click it, a window pops up above it and displays some extra details.  Is that what you are looking to do?


Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By aev - February 18, 2014

Hi Ross,

yes that is what I'm looking to do, but I want to trigger the infowindow from an external link. Like this:

I just need some guidelines how to transfer this example to the pages provided with the geocoder plugin.


By Dave - February 20, 2014

I'll ask Chris if he has any ideas on this one, he's our Google Maps expert! :) 

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By aev - February 26, 2014

Hi Greg,

I added your changes and it works as expected.

