Newsletter Archive

By Toledoh - March 10, 2014

Hi Guys,

The standard dsiplay of archived newsletters is:

                <?php foreach ($archivedNewsletters as $record): ?>
                  <?php $isSelected = ($record['num'] == $latestNewsletter['num']); ?>
                  <?php if ($isSelected) { print "<b>"; } ?>
                  <a href="?<?php echo $record['num']; ?>"><?php echo htmlencode($record['subject']) ?></a><br/>
                  <?php if ($isSelected) { print "</b>"; } ?>
                <?php endforeach ?>

How can I change the order of how they are displayed?  ie. orderBy => 'num DESC'


Tim (

By Toledoh - March 13, 2014

Any thoughts on this guys?


Tim (

By Toledoh - March 16, 2014

Thanks Greg - I don't know how I missed that... sorry.


Tim (