Increasing Account Expiry Date Past Year 2016

3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: May 1, 2014   (RSS)

By AppGuys - April 30, 2014


Can you please help me find where I can change the maximum expiry year to values past year 2016?  I have a client who signs up their members for 3 year terms and now that 2014 is here, they are not able to extend some memberships as required.



By Damon - May 1, 2014

Hi Ryan,

Here are the steps for for updating the year range for the "Account Expires" date field:

1. In CMS Builder go to Admin then click on Section Editors.
2. Choose "modify" for the "User Accounts" Section Editor.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and in the Advanced Commands dropdown (on the left), choose "Enable System Field Editing" and click go.
4. Click "modify" for the "Account Expires" date. In the popup you can change the year range (start year, end year) as needed and leave blank for 5 years before and after current year. Click save after making changes.
5. Back on the "User Accconts" fields page, scroll to the bottom of the page and in the Advanced Commands dropdown, choose "Disable System Field Editing" and click go.

Now in the User Accounts section editor you can change user accounts expiry dates to whatever options you have setup.

Hope this helps.

Damon Edis -

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