Configuration Error - Please make sure the following files and directories have been uploaded:

3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 4, 2014   (RSS)

By drewh01 - June 3, 2014 - edited: June 3, 2014

Recently we changed servers and now my CMS sites are breaking.  I am updating the CMS files to the latest version and just received this error when accessing the admin;

Configuration Error - Please make sure the following files and directories have been uploaded:

  • /home/domains/
  • /home/domains/
  • /home/domains/
  • /home/domains/
  • /home/domains/

How can I fix it?

By Damon - June 3, 2014

Hi Drew,

Connect to the site via FTP and go into the CMS Builder admin folder. Next open the data folder and download the settings.dat.php file.

Open this file with your code editor. You will see a line probably like this:

'uploadDir' => '/home/domains/',

Update this to reflect your new server path. Save and upload back to the site.

Let me know if this resolves the issue for you or if you have any other questions.

Damon Edis -

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