User account show stopper

4 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: July 3, 2014   (RSS)

By vj - July 2, 2014

I do hope you guys are able to help.
We are developing a facility as part of a website where the website owner will have multiple companies wishing to access certain sections of the CMS.

If we take a single company only, the issue is that it will  require multiple user accounts as there are a number of staff members who will require access to the sections.  However we don't want  each  user login to only view their own records -  we need each user login for a specific company to be able to see the full set of records created by all user accounts for that company. If we set each user account to "author", they can of course only see their own records.

What we have done is to add a separate section to the CMS called "companies"  where the main website admin can manage a list of companies.  we have an update user account creation screen to include a drop-down for selection of the required company.   this was our attempt to link user accounts to specific companies but I don't think this helps.

Could you advise how we might be able to achieve this.

Your input would be greatly appreciated because if we can't achieve this then we simply can't use that CMS builder :-(

My sincere thanks.


By vj - July 3, 2014

Ron - thankyou so much for taking the time to reply.
My developer is not quote sure what to do, hence the post.

He thinks that you might be referring to the frontend, whereas what we want to do is to give customers limited access to the backend of CMS Builder. 


By Dave - July 3, 2014

Hi Geoff, 

In the backend, the access controls are limited to what you see.  So "user groups" or anything like that isn't possible by default.

That said, if everyone in the company has access to everything everyone else in the company created, you could just have them all use the same account.  If they need to indicate their username they can just have another fields for that (eg: Written by: .... ) 

Other ways to do it would be to have a separate section for each company and grant all the users of that company access to it, or to create a front-end portal for the staff to login to (lots of work).

Hope that helps!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer