Logoff Re-Direct Doesn't Work

Hello, All 

I've just noticed that the post logoff redirect doesn't work. I've tried a couple of experiments and each time I remain on exactly the same page as the logoff link.

I've even gone so far as to hard code the entry on line 184 of the websiteMembership.php - but to no avail.

From this...

$logoffUrl = coalesce(@$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LOGIN_POST_LOGOFF_URL'],  $currentPageUrl, '/');

to this...

$logoffUrl = coalesce(@$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '/index.php');

The user is logged out successfully but remains on the same page.

For the record I've checked my code and the "...getPrefixedCookie('lastUrl')..." code is deactivated on all pages.

What's wrong?



Update -

After several more tests I've narrowed the problem down to $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']. If this remains in the code on line 184 the logoff action simply leaves the user on the same page.

However, if I change the code to this...


...it works as expected.



By Deborah - March 10, 2015

Hi, Claire.

I experienced the same WSM issue, but Perch's suggestions got things working for me. (Thanks so much, Perch!)

~ Deborah