CSV Import v1.05 Released!
1 posts by 1 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder: Plugins & Add-ons
Last Post: July 2, 2015 (RSS)
By Dave - July 2, 2015
Hi All,
We've just released an updated version of CSV Import:
NOTE: This version requires CMSB 2.65, so don't upgrade until you're on that version.
This version fixes some errors some people were having and adds a new feature to allow importing of a CSV file that doesn't list the fieldnames on the first row.
Here's the latest changelog entry:
- New option to import CSV files that do not have column names on the first line
- Fixed issue where uploaded CSV files wouldn't get removed after import was complete
- Added code to clean up old incomplete import jobs and data (after 24 hours)
- Fixed "Go Back" functionality to redisplay previously entered values
- Fixed a bug where "skipped" fields with spaces in the field name cause a mySQL error
- Fixed a silent error (E_NOTICE: Undefined index: fileFormat) where the file format wasn't being passed via URL
- Misc Code and other minor improvements
Let me know any questions, thanks!