Save & Copy (to a different database table)

By gversion - August 7, 2015


I am building a support ticketing system and I would like to be able to convert resolved tickets into FAQs with a single click of a button.

I am thinking of just using the free "Save & Copy" plugin but I just need it slightly tweaked so that the button copies the "title" and the "content" into the "question" and "answer" fields respectively in the `cms_faq` database table. The button label would be "Convert to FAQ".

Can someone please help me achieve this?

Thank you,


By gversion - August 10, 2015

Hi Ross,

Thanks for the reply. There's no urgency on this one but I may get in touch via your consulting service once I have made more progress with this project.

Kind regards,


By Dave - August 10, 2015


One other way would be just to have a checkbox "Include in FAQ" where, once checked, it displayed the thread in a FAQ section.

You just want to be careful not to accidentally make someone's private support thread into a public FAQ post.

If I was going to do this I'd probably force the users to manually copy and paste into a new section, because I'd likely want them to do some editing and formatting of the content before re-posting.

Hope that helps!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By gversion - August 10, 2015

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the input. You are absolutely right, we do need to be careful with this from a privacy point of view. I was just looking for a quick way to help automate the copy/paste process with just a click of a button. It might not be necessary though...

Out of interest, have you guys developed many support ticketing systems using cmsBuilder? It looks like it has the main components especially with the Download Mail plugin, which I recently purchased.

Thanks again,


By Dave - August 12, 2015

Hi Greg, 

Out of interest, have you guys developed many support ticketing systems using cmsBuilder? It looks like it has the main components especially with the Download Mail plugin, which I recently purchased.

Yea, we've developed lots of them (we've pretty much developed lots of everything).  They all end up working quite differently.  My advice would be to keep focusing on the bare minimum requirements, get it working, and add features as you go.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By gversion - August 13, 2015

Hi Dave,

That's good to hear and thanks for the sound advice.

