"if" problems

3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 25, 2015   (RSS)

By Toledoh - August 24, 2015

When I strike that, I just keep changing : to ; or blank until it works... I think it depending on previously in the loop - so if you have a : in the "if", then you leave blank in the "else"... but that's probably incorrect and someone will be able to explain the real solution...


Tim (toledoh.com.au)

By Toledoh - August 25, 2015

Sorry Damon - there was a post before this that I was responding to.  Basically, it was regarding an if statement, and when to use ':' and when not to.  I was just saying I keep changing it until I don't get an error:)


Tim (toledoh.com.au)