signup with facebook - adding session value

Hey Karls, 

I just want to confirm I understand what you're trying to achieve. So you want the facebook login popup to appear in the language the user has selected to view your site in based on a session variable?



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

Hi Greg,

Thank you for your reply.

No, i need to forward the user interface language to the facebook plugin so i can send confirmation email in the current language (multi language feature).

I already done with modification in the membership plugin so i can forward the language selection accordingly.

The facebook login popup is not important if its english by default. (but will be nicer if its change whatever is my language on the login page)

Thank you,

Hey Karls, 

I understand now, so you're trying to hook into the CMSB language system so you can send sign up emails in the correct language after a user signs up via Facebook. 

The language setting to use is stored in the following global:

  $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['language'] = 'FR';

The above setting would send the sign up template USER-SIGNUP-FR.

So you could get the appropriate template sent after a facebook sign up using the following code on line 260 of facebookLogin.php:

  $userNum   = mysql_insert(accountsTable(), $columnsToValues, true );
  $localUser = mysql_get(accountsTable(), $userNum );

  // send signup email
  global $GLOBALS;

  $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['language'] = strtoupper(@$_SESSION['language']);

  list($mailErrors, $fromEmail) = wsm_sendSignupEmail($localUser['num'], $passwordText);
  if ($mailErrors) { die("Mail Error: $mailErrors"); }



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

Hi Greg,

Thanks again for your reply.

The Session variable cannot pass in this way to the facebook login add-on, thats way i'am tried with

$GLOBALS['WEBSITE_LANGUAGE_FBMAIL'] = strtoupper(@$_SESSION['language']);

from the login.php/signup.php

Is there any other ways to pass my session variable to the add-on from the front-page (where i use multi-language)?


Hey Karls, 

I've done some local testing, and it was able to pass the session variable. A couple of things that could stop the variable passing are:

  • The session_start() function is not added before your viewer functions are loaded.
  • The $_SESSION global is not declared in wsm_sendSignupEmail function : 

    // list($mailErrors, $fromEmail) = wsm_sendSignupEmail($userNum, $passwordText);
    // if ($mailErrors) { alert("Mail Error: $mailErrors"); }
    function wsm_sendSignupEmail($userNum, $passwordText) {

      global $_SESSION, $GLOBALS;

      $GLOBALS['SETTINGS']['language'] = strtoupper(@$_SESSION['language']);

If you can't get the session variable to work you can also use the CMSB get/set/delete cookie functions instead of the session to store variables for users.



Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -

Hi Greg,

Thank you, i'll give a try tomorrow and will back to you with results.


Hi Greg,

After some modification and test, i done with the $session pass to the facebook login add-on.

Thank you for your suggestions!
