ModifyHomepage with CMSB 3+

6 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder: Plugins & Add-ons
Last Post: March 1, 2016   (RSS)

I use the add-on ModifyHomepage - it's a pretty simple add-on, but it's getting "hosed" in CMSB 3.  If I just use plain text for the header, there is no problem.  But I use an image at the top of the page with my logo.  The HTML for the image is somehow getting clobbered by the new setup - for example, the <img is being turned into &lt;img which is causing the literal <img to be placed in my heading instead of the image it's supposed to be.

What is the way to solve this in CMSB V3+

Thanks in advance.


In order to get this working the way it should, I had to make a change to the base software - I have not worked with InteractiveTools yet to find out what, if any, problems will occur because of this:

function _adminUI_inputArraysToHTML($args) {
  // caller must supply PAGE_TITLE as an array
  if (is_array(@$args['PAGE_TITLE'])) {
    $pageTitleHtml = '';
    foreach ($args['PAGE_TITLE'] as $label => $url) {
      if (is_int($label)) { $label = $url; $url = null; } // allow [ 'foo' ] to be a shortcut for [ 'foo' => null ] (instead of [ 0 => 'foo' ])
      if ($pageTitleHtml) { $pageTitleHtml .= ' &gt; '; } // separate breadcrumbs with " > "
      // append $label (and optionally link it to $url)
      if ($url)           { $pageTitleHtml .= '<a href="' . htmlencode($url) . '">' . htmlencode($label) . '</a>'; }
      else                { $pageTitleHtml .= $label; /*htmlencode($label); */                                                 }
    $args['PAGE_TITLE'] = $pageTitleHtml;
  elseif (@$args['PAGE_TITLE']) { die(__FUNCTION__ . ": PAGE_TITLE must be an array"); }

Effectively, I had to remove the htmlencode for page titles that were not label->url combos.

Again, please note, this has not been an accepted solution by InteractiveTools, so only use if you are absolutely sure you need to tweak this base code module for your needs.

By Damon - March 1, 2016

Hi Gary,

I just tested the Modify Homepage v1.00 with CMS Builder 3.02 and it worked for me without changing any library files.

Attached is a screenshot that shows the Modify Homepage working with links, image and text.

What version of CMS Builder are you using?

Damon Edis -

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modify_homepage_example.png 105K

Hi Damon,

The problem is HTML markup in the TITLE portion of the page, not the content portion.



Putting it all in the body may make the most sense.  I'll take a look at that and see how it goes.  I'd rather do that than to mess with the standard code.
