Sorry for being thick, but I'm just not getting website favourites!

By JeffC - March 11, 2016

Ok, so I have installed the plug in and followed the first 4 instructions. I have my Add Favourites/Remove Favourites toggle working as it should.

But how do I view the favourites? …

Where does this code go? I presumed in a new file (myfavs.php or whatever) but if I do that I get the 'headers already output' error. I'm sure I am missing something really simple, could it just be Friday afternoon fatigue, or am I being a complete dummy? Any pointers gratefully received.

Use the following viewer code to load only the users favorite records from a

    require_once "cmsAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php";

    // get favorite record nums
    $tableOrTag        = mysql_escape('news');  // update this with your table or tag name
    $currentUserNum    = mysql_escape( @$CURRENT_USER['num'] );
    $favoriteNumsQuery = "SELECT recordNum FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}_website_favorites` WHERE tableOrTag = '$tableOrTag' AND createdByUserNum = '$currentUserNum'";

    // load matching records
    list($favoriteRecords, $favoriteMetaData) = getRecords(array(
      'tableName'     => 'news', // update this with your table or tag name
      'perPage'       => '10',
      'where'         => " num IN ($favoriteNumsQuery) ",
      'loadCreatedBy' => false,
      'allowSearch'   => false,

Just update 'news' with your tablename.


By ross - March 11, 2016

Hi Jeff

I think you are on the right track. 

You can have the list of favorites appear on any page you like and it does work best if you have a whole seperate page like myfavs.php.

Could you post a copy of your myfavs.php so I can review the code. If we can get rid if the "headers already sent" error you mentioned, I think you'll be good to go.


Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By JeffC - March 14, 2016

Hi Ross

Having looked at this again with fresh eyes this morning I have got it sorted. Not sure what I was missing on Friday, but I started again, following the supplied instructions, and everything works as expected.

I do have a follow-up question however.

I pull in the content of my detail page using a generic file <?php include('common/inc/detail.php') ?>.

This does present an issue with the website favourites plugin in the following line because it requires a link to a specific table, in this case 'news'. 


$tableOrTag = 'news'; // Update with your section's table name

$recordNum = $record['num']; // Update this with current record number


How would I alter the above so that it can be used on all of my detail pages. Could I change 'news' to a generic Tag and then apply that Tag to all of my records? Or would I list all of my table names: ie 

$tableOrTag = 'news'; 'reviews'; 'interviews'; // Update with your section's table name


By ross - March 16, 2016

Hi Jeff

How about this. Instead of having $tableOrTag set inside your genric include file "common/inc/detail.php", have it set just before the include call like this:

<?php $tableOrTag = "news"; ?>
<?php include('common/inc/detail.php') ?>

This way, you can have a different $tableOrTag each time you include your detail.php page.

Let me know if this will work for you.


Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By JeffC - March 17, 2016

Thank you Ross, that worked perfectly.

Could I trouble you with one more question, then I'm done :)

I have a list viewer page to display my saved favourites. This page works perfectly with favourites from one table (news). now that I have added my 'add page to favourites' code to other sections, how would I list all of the favourites together on this page, for example favourite 'news' and favourite 'recipes'

Here is my viewer code:

// get favorite record nums
$tableOrTag        = mysql_escape('news');  // update this with your table or tag name
$currentUserNum    = mysql_escape( @$CURRENT_USER['num'] );
$favoriteNumsQuery = "SELECT recordNum FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}_website_favorites` WHERE tableOrTag = '$tableOrTag' AND createdByUserNum = '$currentUserNum'";

// load matching records
list($favoriteRecords, $favoriteMetaData) = getRecords(array(
'tableName'     => 'news', // update this with your table or tag name
'perPage'       => '10',
'where'         => " num IN ($favoriteNumsQuery) ",
'loadCreatedBy' => false,
'allowSearch'   => false,

and to display the results:

<?php$tableOrTag = 'news';          // Update with your section's table name$recordNum  = $record['num'];  // Update this with current record number?>

<?php foreach ($favoriteRecords as $record): ?>
<a href="<?php echo $record['_link'] ?>"><?php echo $record['title'] ?></a>
<?php echo $record['short_description'] ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

Would an array merge be the solution here? If so, could you talk me through it.



By ross - March 17, 2016

Hi Jeff

I think the easiest way // get favorite record nums

$tableOrTag        = mysql_escape('news');  // update this with your table or tag name
$currentUserNum    = mysql_escape( @$CURRENT_USER['num'] );
$favoriteNumsQuery = "SELECT recordNum FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}_website_favorites` WHERE tableOrTag = '$tableOrTag' AND createdByUserNum = '$currentUserNum'";

// load matching records
list($favoriteRecords, $favoriteMetaData) = getRecords(array(
'tableName'     => 'news', // update this with your table or tag name
'perPage'       => '10',
'where'         => " num IN ($favoriteNumsQuery) ",
'loadCreatedBy' => false,
'allowSearch'   => false,

You'll need one copy for each $tableTag you have. Make sure to rename the $favoriteRecords variable in each copy of the code.

Once you do that, you can use array_combine() to stick all the arrays together.

A more advanced option would be to stick with the one block of code from above and modify $favoriteNumsQuery so the "WHERE" part is like this:

WHERE (tableOrTag = 'news' OR tableOrTag = "blogs" OR tableOrTag = "sports") AND  createdByUserNum = '$currentUserNum'"

Let me know what you think.


Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By JeffC - March 18, 2016

Thanks Ross

I've got that working with the first approach, favourites are added. However, now I can not remove them. Would I also need to adjust something here?:

<div class="<?php wsf_cssClassFor($tableOrTag, $recordNum, 'remove'); ?>"style="<?php wsf_displayStyleFor($tableOrTag, $recordNum, 'remove'); ?>"></div>
<p><a href="#" onclick="<?php wsf_onClickFor($tableOrTag, $recordNum, 'removeAndReload'); ?>"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> Remove from favourites</a></p>

If I am taking up too much of your time in the forum, I am happy to take this over to consulting and pay you for your time.


