Getting lightbox to work

5 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: May 12, 2016   (RSS)

By ross - May 12, 2016

Hi there.

Thanks for posting.

When you say this:

I can get the box to pop up but images will not rotate

Do you mean that everything is working and the problem is that some images display sideways?

If that's the case, the issue is that the image itself was taken sideways on the camera originally and you'll need to rotate them before uploading.

This can be tricky to see because when you look at the picture on your computer, your operating system will auto rotate images. Unfortunately, web browsers don't do that as well and you end up with sideways images.

If I've missed the mark, could you post a link to your gallery so I can actually see it in action? If you don't want to post a link to your site, you can send it to me in a support request here:


Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By tCote - May 12, 2016 - edited: May 12, 2016

Nope, If I click on an image it will pop up in the box but will not display next image or arrows to go to next image. Here is a link to one of the pages. Click on a image you can see what happens.

If you know of something that would work better that's OK. Just want a very simple image slide. 

By ross - May 12, 2016


Thanks for the link. I see the issue now :).

In your code you have the following:

<a href="<?php echo $upload['urlPath'] ?>" rel="lightbox"> ... and then an image tag etc ... 

What you need to do is add a "group name" to the "rel" attribute like this:

<a href="<?php echo $upload['urlPath'] ?>" rel="lightbox['gallery']"> ... and then an image tag etc ...

Notice how I added ['gallery']

Give that a shot and let me know how you make out.

Ross Fairbairn - Consulting

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By tCote - May 12, 2016

That did the trick. Thank you very much. Very much appreciated.