spambotEmailProtector Encoding problem on save to CSV file

By Mikey - February 12, 2017

I'm building a "save to CSV file" almost identical to the one seen here:

The problem I'm having is that when I download the CSV file and open it, the first row's email address is encoded.

<bdo dir="rtl">&#x6d;&#x6f;&#99;<span>&#46;&#x64;&#110;&#117;&#111;<!-- ynz -->&#x72;&#57;&#x40;<!-- lfu -->&#x73;&#x65;<!-- tzg --><!-- fvy -->&#110;&#111;&#x6a;&#46;&#x79;&#x63;&#110;</span>&#97;&#110;</bdo>

The other email rows are fine.

Is it possible to prevent spambotEmailProtector from encoding emails on a particular website page, so it's disabled on one page, but allow it to continue to work on the rest of the website?

I tried opening the spambotEmailProtector.php file and tried changing some of the Encoding Options to false, but this didn't decrypt the first email in the exported CSV file either.

// Encoding Options - to disable an encoding method set to false;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['decEntity']   = true;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['hexEntity']   = true;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['urlEncoding'] = true;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['jsUnicode']   = true;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['bdo']         = false;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['comments']    = false;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['tags']        = false;
$GLOBALS['SEP_ENCODING_METHODS']['jsLocation']  = true;

Below is the save to CSV file code 

require_once "C:/wamp/www/cmsbuilder_1_34_build1/cmsAdmin/lib/viewer_functions.php"; 

// load records 
list($saveCSVRecords,) = getRecords(array( 
'tableName' => 'directory', 
//'where' => "paid = '1'" 

// if the user has supplied "as_csv" in query string
if (@$_REQUEST['as_csv']) {

// specify fields to output 
$fields = array('first_name', 'last_name', 'title', 'address', 'address_2', 'city', 'state', 'zip', 'phone', 'mobile_phone', 'fax', 'toll_free', 'email', 'website_address');

$filename = "directory_".date("Y-m-d_H-i",time()); 
header("Content-type: application/"); 
header("Content-disposition: csv" . date("Y-m-d") . ".csv"); 
header( "Content-disposition: filename=".$filename.".csv"); 

// output csv header row 
print(join(',', $fields) . "\n"); 

// loop over records, outputting a row for each 
foreach ($saveCSVRecords as $recCSVrecord) { 
$row = array(); 
foreach ($fields as $field) { 
$value = $recCSVrecord[$field]; 
// if this value contains a special character, quote and escape it 
if ( preg_match('/[," \t\n]/', $value) ) { 
$value = '"' . preg_replace('/"/', '""', $value) . '"'; 

array_push($row, $value); 

echo(join(',', $row) . "\n"); 

// exit -- we are finished with the page


<meta charset="utf-8" />

<h3><a href="?as_csv=1&<?php echo @$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ?>">Download these results in CSV format</a></h3>


Thanks, Zicky

Zicky, I've not tried this myself, but in the version 2.01 readme file is this tip:

To disable this plugin for specific PHP pages put this code at the very top:

<?php $GLOBALS['SEP_DISABLED'] = true; // Disable Spambot Email Protector ?>

~ Deborah

By Mikey - February 12, 2017

Hey Deborah,

I completely overlooked that in the readme.txt file. I feel stupid. : )

I added the line of code, but it didn't work immediately. I took a closer look and realized that I also had an older version of the "spambot Email Protector" running. So I updated the plugin, reactivated the updated plugin, and once I updated it and added the line of code to the top of my page it worked like a charm.

Thank you for your help!

All the best, Zicky