Feature request: Related table search

6 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 6, 2017   (RSS)

By Toledoh - June 7, 2017

Hi Guys,

In a section, we have the ability to add a "Related Records" field.  For instance, a "Business" listing may have multiple "Individual" listings related to it.  

It would be great to be able to add the ability to search for those listings that have related records that match the search terms.

ie. From the Business Listings, find any business that has a related individual/s.

This is becoming more and more common need for me - especially with large membership type databases.


Tim (toledoh.com.au)

By Dave - June 17, 2017

Hi Tim, 

In the field editor for Related records you can specify: MySQL Where, and More "Search" Link.

And those let you filter the results, for example, only showing child records of a specific parent record.  Does that work?  Or are you wanting something additional?

Let me know, thanks!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Toledoh - June 18, 2017

Thanks Dave - I got some custom work done on this for now - but may revisit later!


Tim (toledoh.com.au)

By Toledoh - August 29, 2017 - edited: August 29, 2017

See attached image.

"Joe" is from ACME Co. and ACME Co is selected from the companies table (using a pulldown list and referencing num / title) as the companiesNum field.

In the searching tab of the contacts section, I can add companiesNum as a keyword search, but it only functions as a match - which is understandable as the value of that field is only the "num".

What I would like is the ability for the keyword search to be able to identify the label from the related table.

ie. type "ACM" into the search box and find Joe.


Tim (toledoh.com.au)

Thanks Dave.


Tim (toledoh.com.au)