Combine name field and category :label on save

By Mikey - October 25, 2017

I'm trying to combine a records "Name" field and "Category" selection from a dropdown list and place the results into a field called new_name. Below is the plugin code I'm using, but it doesn't work with :label

Any suggestions on how to get the label for news_category:label to work?

Plugin Name: Combine news record Name and Category.
Description: Combine the news record Name and Category and place in the new_name field.  
Version: 1.00
Requires at least: 2.00



addAction('record_postsave', 'combineNameCategoryNumber', 0, 4); 

function combineNameCategoryNumber($tableName, $isNewRecord, $oldRecord, $recordNumber) {
  if ($tableName!='news'){ return; }
  mysql_update($tableName, $recordNumber, null, array('new_name' => $_REQUEST['name'] . ' ' . $_REQUEST['news_category:label']));

