Email send based on day.

4 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 30, 2017   (RSS)

By Toledoh - October 27, 2017

Hi All.

I've got the standard form to email code, with the email address stored in CMSB using:

$to = $snippetsRecord['bookings_contact'];

Do you think it's viable to do something like:

if (today is friday afternoon to sunday night) {
$to = $snippetsRecord['bookings_contact_after_hours'];
$to = $snippetsRecord['bookings_contact'];


Tim (

By Toledoh - October 30, 2017

Great - thanks.

Can you give me any direction on how to set up those "if" statements?


Tim (

By leo - October 30, 2017

Hey Tim,

There are many ways to achieve it. Here is an example:

if( date('N') >= 5 && strtotime('now') >= strtotime('friday 17:00') )

Let me know if it works.


Leo - PHP Programmer (in training)