Geocoder feature suddenly stopped working

6 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 26, 2018   (RSS)

Hi, there.

A client's site, which I worked on years ago, has a Geocoder search feature. For some reason, the search function has suddenly stopped working: Neither I nor my client has made any changes, so I was wondering what would make this happen. Any ideas, please?

The retail listings page uses the same information that was input via CMSB, and that seems to be okay - - so I think it's just the search function.


By gkornbluth - October 25, 2018 - edited: October 25, 2018


You may have to sign up for a new google api key account.

Google has recently updated the terms and conditions for their API, now you have to have a credit card on file and an API key to be able to use the plugin.

You can see the changes here:

Unless you are heavily using their service, you will not see any change and the service will remain free. (they offer a $200/month credit against any charges)

hope that solves your issue. It did for me,


Jerry Kornbluth

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Thanks for the update Greg,

I believe you need the new API Key account whether you are displaying map info or not when using the Geocoder Plugin

I had to do that on a Geocoder install that I am using in order to get the thing to work again.



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Hi, Greg.

The Geocoder was originally set up for my client by Interactive Tools. Is this something you would be able to update for me, including the Google API?



Jerry: Yup, you even need an API key if you want to display a basic Google map. They've really tightened up the requirements for using the map system. 

commonSenseDesign: We can definitely carry out that upgrade for you. If you send an email to we can get that process going. 

Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -