AutoBackup Plugin not Emailing


My AutoBackup plugin is not emailing me the backup file and is looks to be producing some errors:

E_WARNING: fopen() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path, string given
/var/www/html/cmsb/3rdParty/SwiftMailer5/classes/Swift/ByteStream/FileByteStream.php (line 142)
E_USER_NOTICE: Unable to open file for reading [?
/var/www/html/cmsb/lib/common.php (line 1368)

Could someone please shed some light on what might be going wrong and how I might be able to fix this?

Thank you,


Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the reply. I have fixed this by updating the backup plugin to the latest version. I'm not sure what version I was using but it was quite an old one...

Thanks again,
