Outgoing SMS Plugin


I received this error message on Friday:

E_WARNING: fsockopen(): unable to connect to tcp://www.txtlocal.com:80 (Connection refused)

I don't seem to be getting the error anymore. Is this likely to be a temporary glitch with txtlocal.com?

Thank you,


By daniel - February 11, 2019 - edited: February 11, 2019

Hi Greg,

Without knowing the context of the error it's difficult to say for 100% certain, but an error like that only showing up once is in most cases going to be - as you say - due to a temporary issue on the remote server's end. (Especially if the site has successfully sent out SMS since the error). If the site is sending any mission-critical info it may be worth checking further for peace of mind, but otherwise, it should be safe to simply monitor the logs to see if it happens again.


Technical Lead