CMSB v3.52 Released - Summer Update - July 26th, 2019

2 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 2, 2019   (RSS)

By gregThomas - July 26, 2019

Hello All!

We've just released v3.52 of CMS Builder. Here's what's new: 

Section Editors

  • Added "Insert Field Here" (+) link to allow inserting a new field beside an existing field
  • New "Tab Group" field for organizing section editor fields
  • New '<input type="hidden">' advanced field for inserting hidden fields in sections.

Server Admin

  • General > Disk Space now has an option to show the largest files (for linux servers)
  • Background Tasks now includes setup instructions for cPanel, Plesk, Windows, and Linux


  • Database: Switched default storage engine from MyISAM to InnoDB
  • Field Editor: "Update all existing records" feature available when adding a new field with a default value.
  • Background Tasks: New option to limit the number of entries stored in the background task log.
  • Category Menus: Now possible to assign Author/Viewer access to category menu sections.

Here's the complete changelog for v3.52:

*** July 26, 2019 - Version 3.52

- This software version REQUIRES: PHP 7.1+ and MySQL 5.5+
- NOTE: Some plugins may need to be updated when upgrading from v2.xx

- Section Editors: Added "Insert Field Here" (+) link to allow inserting a new field beside an existing field
- Section Editors: New "Tab Group" field for organizing section editor fields
- Section Editors: New '<input type="hidden">' advanced field for inserting hidden fields in sections.
- Server Admin: Admin > General > Disk Space now has an option to show largest files (for linux servers)
- Server Admin: Admin > Background Tasks now includes setup instructions for cPanel, Plesk, Windows, and Linux
- Database: Switched default storage engine from MyISAM to InnoDB
- Field Editor: "Update all existing records" feature available when adding a new field with a default value.
- Background Tasks: New option to limit the number of entries stored in the background task log.
- Category Menus: Now possible to assign Author/Viewer access to category menu sections.
- Admin Menu: Security Settings have been moved to their own menu
- Audit Log: Now logs login events and record add/modify/delete

- Select upload dialog only shows matching file extensions.
- Libraries: Updated TinyMCE from v4.9.0 to v4.9.4 (Released 2019-03-20)
- Libraries: Upgraded jQuery to v3.4.1
- Section Editors: New menu groups get default table suffix of "_menugroup" for usability

- Plugins: Added fix for issue that may cause plugins to get deactivated when they're being uploaded
- Category Menu: drag-order functionality no longer dependant on "name" column.
- Misc Code and other minor improvements.

You can download the latest version on our upgrade by donation at this page:

Please feel free to create a new forum post for your feedback and questions.  


The ITools Team

Greg Thomas

PHP Programmer -