Hide an editor field for all but top level categories

4 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: March 9, 2020   (RSS)


Is there a way to hide an editor field in the CMS Section  based upon it's level in the tree?

Specifically, I am creating a category menu to display service groups and the services within each group. 

1. "Accounting Services" will be level one and have an image. 

2. "Bookkeeping", "Budgeting", etc would be level 2 and not need an image. 

If need be, I'll just put a description above the upload field to let users know when to add an image and when not, but it would be a lot less confusing to them if the field was only there when they needed it. 


In the interest of speed and due to my limited PHP knowledge, I've decided to go about these sections a different way. But it would still be interesting to know if a filed can e hidden in the editor by level. But only if the answer is simple. Please don't spend much time on it, if any. Thanks. 

By kitsguru - March 8, 2020

You can use the plugin Show/Hide Dependent Fields Plus

Jeff Shields