Generating multiple maps on multi record page

Looking for a way to create separate maps for a listing page. Each record would have it's own map with clickable marker on it. I have the geocoder plugin, but the example code is for displaying one map on a single page or multiple pins on one map. If anyone has an example, it would be greatly appreciated.

By Dave - October 25, 2020

Hi 28sparks, 

Can you explain a little more about what you're trying to do?  

If each listing page displayed a map with the address for just that listing wouldn't that be a separate map for each listing?

Let me know some more details and we'll try to help.  Thanks!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi Dave. The plugin allows us to generate one map with multiple pins from a list or records. What I'm trying to load is individual maps for a list of records on a single page. Does that make sense?

Thanks so much Hans! It worked perfectly. Appreciate the help.

By Codee - October 31, 2020

Hey 28sparks, when you get it done live would you provide a link so we can view it in action?