Setup a demo version of CMSB

3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: August 29, 2021   (RSS)

By andreasml - August 29, 2021 - edited: August 29, 2021


I have created a website where I try to promote a specific CMSB version which I have formed my way, containing specific plugins, specific sections, specific mail templates etc. I am interested in creating a public demo version of this CMSB version where anyone can try out the software for a limited period of time. I would also like to give the user the options to see the Admin type of access, and also the Editor and the Author and the Viewer types of access as well. Of course, I would like the demo to be almost exactly as the version of CMSB I am using, containing the plugins, sections and everything I have created as explained previously. Can I do it myself or do I need some specific software/plugin?

Kind regards,

Andreas Lazaris

Hi Jerry

Thanks so much for your advice. We will have a look and if we come across any problems we will get back.

Best regards,