Convert to Text


I think the Convert to Text plugin is fantastic however as it requires Java I can’t use it for clients that are on the shared hosting platform we use (as Java isn’t supported).

Is there any workaround someone can suggest?

I’m also wondering if Java really is necessary to index files or if it could be done purely in PHP… I’m hoping something in PHP8 maybe can handle this that wasn’t available when the plugin was first developed back in 2016.

Any knowledge or guidance would be much appreciated.

Thank you,


Hi Dave,

Thank you for the quick reply and good to hear that it’s technically possible in PHP!

I’ll check out the libraries you’ve mentioned and may well be in touch to get a quote for a bespoke plugin.

Thanks again,


By Dave - October 17, 2022

No problem, glad to help! :-)

Dave Edis - Senior Developer