Issue accessing Code Generator with v3.61

3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: September 11, 2023   (RSS)

By Dave - September 11, 2023

Hi Deborah, 

Thanks for reporting this, it is indeed a bug that slipped through!

We've released a hotfix v3.61a with this patched here:

And you can patch it yourself if you like as follows: 

  • Open /lib/plugin_functions.php
  • Search for $generators[]
  • Around line 208
    • Replace this: 'functionName' => $functionName,
    • With this: 'function' => $functionName,

Hope that helps, let me know if you run into any other issues!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Dave, I installed the new version on a test site and Code Generator capabilites are available once again.

I very much appreciate your quick fix and love CMSB!

~ Deborah