Select multiple records and drag

17 posts by 5 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: October 6, 2023   (RSS)

By Steve99 - August 8, 2023

Happy to share, Jeff and all. Certainly feel free to include, Jerry. Hopefully others find it useful.

Andreas - Agreed. For this plugin I was able to utilize the list page "selected records" checkboxes, so unfortunately it wouldn't work for section editor field sorting. However, I do believe that capability is part of the multi-select drag/drop sorting wishlist item Dave wanted to look into.


By JeffC - September 8, 2023

Hi Steve

Thanks again for this plugin. Do you mind if I offer some feedback? I don't want to sound ungrateful!

Lets say I have 2,000 items in my list and I want to move record 2000 to position 1

  1. The CMS is set to show 1000 items per page.
  2. Page 1 is showing records 2000-1001.
  3. I tick record 2000.
  4. The Move Record Here link appears.
  5. I click page 2 to show records 1000-1 but,
  6. Because I am now on a different page the checked record is no longer checked and the 'Move Record Here' does not appear.

Dave, is there a way to add an option for 'All Records' to the 'Per Page' drop down? If not, could you consider this for the next cmsB release?


By Steve99 - September 8, 2023

Hi Jeff,

Glad to hear it's getting some use, and I appreciate the feedback! I'd noted this as well and plan to have a think on it.

In the meantime, you can easily add values to the per page drop down list by modifying this:
Line 180 in latest CMSB v3.61

<?php echo getSelectOptions($metaData['perPage'], array(5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 1000)); ?>

Just make note of the change for future cmsb upgrades.

Thanks, and please let me know of any other feedback!


By JeffC - September 9, 2023

Thanks Steve


By Dave - September 12, 2023

Hi Jeff, 

Just following up on this.  Can you tell me more about the situation where you need to change the order and have thousands of records?  I want to get a better understanding of that to see if there's a solution that's better suited.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Dave - October 6, 2023

For everyone who was asking about improved multi-record drag sorting for the Section Editors, we've added that in the new beta.  Come give it a try:

As always, thank you for your ongoing feedback, support and suggestions!

Dave Edis - Senior Developer