CMSB v3.62 Released - New Mailer and Improved Section Editor Sorting

3 posts by 2 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: November 4, 2023   (RSS)

By Dave - October 12, 2023

Hi all, 

We're pleased to announce the official release of v3.62.  We have two new significant features in this version:

  • New Mailer: We've switched from SwiftMailer to the more modern PHPMailer. 
  • Improved Section Editor Sorting: This is a long-time requested feature that we ourselves have been wanting.  Under Section Editors, you can now click a checkbox to select multiple sections and drag them all at once to a new position.  We also track the mouse position so as you move your cursor towards the edge of the screen it will automatically scroll up or down, and if you get really close to the edge it will scroll really fast.  All are designed to make it easy to quickly re-order menus.  

Here's the complete changelog:

*** October 12, 2023 - Version 3.62 (Improved Section Editor Sorting and New Mailer)


- Section Editors: Multi-record drag sorting is now supported for quickly re-ordering tables
- Sending Mail: Switched to PHP Mailer v6.8.1 (instead of Swift Mailer)

- Debugging Info: Added additional .htaccess check for mod_security to help identify server restrictions
- Code Cleanup: Removed Suhosin detection and workarounds, as they're no longer widely used
- Code Generator: Resolved error: Undefined array key "function"
- Misc Code and other minor improvements.

You can download the latest here:

Please post any feedback, questions, or bugs you find! 

Dave Edis - Senior Developer

By Dave - November 4, 2023

Hi Jeff, 

Yes, we'll definitely add that in time.  We just wanted to test it on the table sorting first.  Multi-record sorting on the record list is a bit of a bigger project because we need to support category menus and the other existing code there.  But it's definitely on our list and a feature we want as well.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer