Simple forum 1.06 rss feed BUG

In the rss feed there is a missing closing tag on the XML file production.

// from function sforum_generateForumRSS in simpleForum.php line 699
<atom:link href="<?php echo htmlEncode(thisPageUrl()); ?>" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml">

// should be

<atom:link href="<?php echo htmlEncode(thisPageUrl()); ?>" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />

Note the closing /

Jeff Shields

Thanks for that.

I run all my code through end-to-end UI testing with for HTML and Accessibility (AXE) validity. Some of the old Bootstrap 3 examples had the wrong roles assigned. Also, I am using Bootstrap 5.3 for my CSS, so I have modified much of the code accordingly. I also updated jQuery, jQuery UI and Prism to the latest versions, 3.7.1, 1.13.2 and 1.29, respectively.

Jeff Shields