v3.69 No _CSRFToken exists in session

5 posts by 3 authors in: Forums > CMS Builder
Last Post: June 3   (RSS)

Hi Kenny, 

Thanks for reporting that.  I've temporarily added some additional error logging to that bit of error code so we can track down what's going on.  I'll do some research and report back.

Also, the next release will have Google OAuth support for sending mail, we're more than half way complete on that.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer

Hi Kenny, 

Just following up on this one.  We've got some updates to how sessions work in the next beta, so if you notice any unexpected CSRF issues with that one let us know.  That should be released shortly.


Dave Edis - Senior Developer


I'm having the same issue with new installs of 3.69.

Is the only solution to this the use of a beta?


Thanks for checking in.  We should be releasing v3.70 today which has a fix for this.

If after upgrading you have any other issues just let us know.

Dave Edis - Senior Developer